Death by Wedding (Book #16 in the Caribbean Murder series) Page 17
“My sister wasn’t rotten.” Kiera’s voice caught in her throat.
“As rotten as they get.” Pete leered at her. “April was the one who originally found out about the porn films. She got off on them, if you’d asked me. But I stopped her just before she spilled the beans to everyone.”
“You killed April, too?” Cindy breathed, as she heard footsteps approaching.
“You better believe it.” Pete threw back his head as suddenly, Mattheus charged into the room, head first, his own gun pointing directly at Pete.
“Okay, it’s over! Put down your weapon!” Mattheus yelled, startling everybody.
In another second, Bat, close beside Mattheus, entered as well, dashing behind Pete and toppling him over. Stunned and off balance, Pete’s hand opened as the revolver fell to the floor. Bat grabbed the gun, held it tight, and pointed it swiftly at Pete’s neck.
“It’s over, over!” Mattheus’s voice rose loudly, as Benita fell down onto the couch, sobbing. “Put a call in to the police, Cindy. They’ll be here in no time to take Pete in.”
The shocking news blared over the TV and hit the papers fast. There’s been a shocking confession in the murder of Sparks, the security guard found dead last week on the beach! Police definitely have the killer now, the news shouted. Case closed. All can rest. Cindy Blaine, of CM Investigations and bride-to-be, fearlessly foraged on and found the true killer in the nick of time. Now her wedding, right down here in Belize, can go on.
Cindy and Mattheus were flooded with praise, emails, calls, and visitors flocking to their room unannounced.
“This wedding will be heard about all over the Caribbean,” Cindy’s brother-in-law, Frank, exclaimed.
“Yes, it will,” said Cindy softly, remembering her longtime wish for a small, quiet wedding with only close family and friends.
“Flowers are pouring in from everywhere too.” Frank couldn’t help laughing.
Cindy and Mattheus looked at each other with amazement. No way of stopping it now. Their time had come.
Despite threats of a light storm coming, the day of the wedding dawned balmy and clear. To Cindy’s and Mattheus’s amazement, almost all of the guests were still at the hotel, waiting for the grand event. Mattheus’s daughter, Andrea, had left, however, along with her mother. Cindy couldn’t help but notice that she was relieved about that. Wess had been released from jail and he and Benita had left the island promptly. Kiera still lingered on the yacht, along with some other celebrities. Fortunately, none of them had been invited to the wedding, although they’d wanted to be.
Before Cindy began getting ready for the evening, according to tradition, she and Mattheus went to different locations to prepare. He wouldn’t see her again until the moment she came out in her wedding dress.
Along with the guests, the news outlets swarmed around the hotel, eager for news of the wedding and to take photos of the bride and groom.
“They’re going to make a farce of your wedding. Keep them out,” Cindy’s mother objected.
But Mattheus was charmed by the idea of having the wedding covered in the press and Cindy didn’t have the desire to take on any more battles right now. She was more tired from the aftermath of the case than she’d realized.
“I’m warning you, Cindy, don’t let the press anywhere near the wedding,” her mother kept repeating as they prepared.
“They want to honor us,” Cindy said to her mother several times.
“They want to exploit us, they’re looking for news.” Her mother sounded unusually caustic.
Cindy was unwilling to accept her mother’s point of view. Along with the wedding ceremony that had been planned, both Cindy and Mattheus were going to include speeches about Sparks, in his honor. Cindy felt good that these would be covered by the press.
“You don’t seem to be listening to what I say,” her mother repeated.
Cindy did not reply; she didn’t want the press to become the focus of her attention. Thankfully, along with her mother, Cindy’s wedding party was gathered around her and there were many others she could turn to. Everyone was eager to talk.
As the day proceeded, Cindy felt as if she were in a dream. Julia, her matron of honor, her bridesmaids, and her mother were all having their hair and makeup done professionally together in the hotel’s wedding suite. As they all got ready, the hotel sent platters of fruits and sandwiches along with small bottles of champagne up to the elegant rooms. Constant calls from well wishers, both known and unknown, kept coming in.
“The time has finally come, Cindy,” her mother kept repeating. “This marriage will be different from your first one. I know it. And least I hope it will.”
Cindy tried not to listen to her mother’s comments. At the moment, she did not want to recall Clint and how he was killed during their honeymoon right after their wedding. Cindy’s marriage to Mattheus would be something completely different. There was no need to compare them.
The photographers were expected to arrive about an hour before the ceremony, and all had to be dressed and ready by then. As the time grew closer Cindy slipped into her luxurious, white lace wedding dress with a train that trailed far behind her and felt a moment of fear. Was it possible that trouble awaited her down the road, as it had right after her previous marriage? Cindy brushed her hands over her face, as if to wipe away even the least possibility that anything like that could happen again. She knew her mind could play tricks on her, even in the most beautiful moments, casting shadows where only light should be.
Once fully dressed, Cindy put her headpiece on, the veil drifting down behind her back.
“Beautiful, magnificent,” Julia exclaimed, as all her bridesmaids turned to look at her.
Cindy’s mother turned slowly in her direction as well. “I only wish your sister, Ann, could be here to see you now as well,” she said.
Oddly enough, Cindy had felt her sister’s presence all day long as she was preparing. Ann would have been thrilled to see Cindy taking steps into a new life.
“Ann is with us,” Cindy replied, suddenly sad.
“She’s your guardian angel now,” said Julia.
Cindy smiled appreciatively. “And so are you, Julia,” she replied.
The photographers arrived, the wedding party gathered, and photos were taken under the huge tent on the beach that had been constructed for the wedding. As the photographers circled around they guided the wedding party into different formations. Photos from every possible perspective were being taken in order to keep these precious memories forever alive.
When Mattheus first saw Cindy walk into the tent, he stopped moving and stared at her as if he were looking at an apparition.
“Beautiful, so beautiful,” Mattheus finally murmured as he walked up along the plum-colored carpet to where Cindy was standing.
Cindy smiled, extending her hands. “We’ve made it,” she whispered.
“Yes, we have,” Mattheus replied, “as long as we get through the service before the storm comes and blows our tent out to sea.”
Cindy laughed, remembering that the hotel had assured them that the storm wasn’t expected until midnight. They would definitely have enough time not only to get through the ceremony, but to celebrate to their hearts’ content.
“Is Pastor Mallord here yet?” Cindy asked Mattheus. To her delight, the pastor she knew and loved so much was flying down from Oyster Bay, New York, to officiate at the service. He’d been Cindy’s pastor for a long while, even officiated at her marriage to Clint.
“Any minute,” Mattheus replied. “He’s been keeping in touch during the entire trip. He’s thrilled to be coming.”
After about an hour of photos, Pastor Tom Mallord, tall and gallant as ever, with thick salt and pepper hair, arrived.
“Tom.” Cindy ran to him, holding out her arms. “So wonderful to see you. I can’t believe it.”
“Sorry I didn’t get here sooner,” Pastor
Mallord exclaimed. “The plane was held up at the airport. I kept in touch with Mattheus about it.”
“You’re here, you’re here, that’s all that matters,” Cindy said.
“This is a magnificent occasion, Cindy,” Pastor Mallord exclaimed. “It’s a testimony to your courage and bravery. It’s a testimony to Spirit, which never dies.”
“Thank you, thank you.” Cindy suddenly felt like weeping. Pastor Mallord brought everything back to her suddenly, and, as she looked into his eyes, she realized how much she still missed Clint.
“Whatever we feel, we move forward,” Pastor Mallord said to her softly. “This is Spirit assisting us in its wonderful ways.”
“Mattheus and I have prepared talks to read to each other,” Cindy replied.
“Wonderful,” Pastor Mallord breathed.
“Should I give them to you?” asked Cindy.
“We’ll do this ceremony any way you like,” he answered.
A sharp pain ran through Cindy’s heart. She would have liked a ceremony just alone with Mattheus and Pastor Mallord, frankly. The circle of people who surrounded them made her feel as though this was a performance, and she was under scrutiny.
“When you’re under the tent with Mattheus,” Pastor Mallord then exclaimed, “it will be as if no one else in the world is there with you. It’s the most intimate moment in the world.”
Cindy wondered how he knew just what she was thinking.
“And it’s good to proclaim your love in public,” Pastor Mallord added. “That kind of commitment lifts the entire world up.”
“You’re always right.” Cindy smiled at him softly. “You’ve guided me through so much in the past. Whatever you said helped me walk on bravely.”
Pastor Mallord took Cindy’s hands. “And I am honored and thrilled to be here with you now for this incredible next step,” he responded.
Standing under the tent, opposite Mattheus, all the guests seated out in front of them, with Pastor Mallord a few steps away, Cindy listened to the ocean rolling in and out in the distance.
“I promise to love you forever,” Mattheus was saying as the waves beat against the shore. “If you need me, I will be here for you. We will grow together as two trees in the sun.”
Cindy took a deep breath. It was overwhelming to listen to Mattheus’s words, to take in their deep meaning. Could a person really promise to love forever? They could certainly promise not to forsake one another, to stand by each other, but how could you ever really know what would happen to the love?
After another moment, it was Cindy’s turn to speak. “I promise to be true to you,” she started, “and to be true to myself. If you call upon me, I will answer. I will always listen to what you need of me, to the best of my ability, no matter what I feel. I will take it as my mission to help both of us grow strong together, Mattheus.”
The winds and waves grew louder in the background as Cindy spoke, and the tent above them rustled a little. Was the storm coming in sooner than expected? Would their wedding be allowed to run its full course? Would they all be able to sing and dance, laugh and toast, until the final word was said under this beautiful tent?
After she finished speaking, Cindy felt a deep silence come over her as she looked into Mattheus’s eyes. The years they’d had together swept over her as a passing mirage. This moment was completely new now, and so was the life they were about to enter.
Cindy heard Pastor Mallord’s voice speaking, as she grew quiet. He was asking her if she took Mattheus as her lawful husband.
“I do,” Cindy said, her voice trembling. Then she heard Mattheus answer the same.
“You may kiss your bride,” Cindy then heard Pastor Mallord announce joyously as Mattheus lifted Cindy’s veil and drew Cindy into his arms for a deep, long kiss that briefly transported her to another world.
The joy rang through the entire island as the guests then broke into a cheer. Cindy and Mattheus walked back along the long, plum carpet, amidst laughing, waving, and tears. And, in no time at all, the wonderful celebration began.
Music played, and toasts were offered, one after another.
“This wonderful couple dodged many a flying bullet,” Frank joked as he lifted his champagne glass. “And now, listen to that wind. Looks like right now, they’re dodging an oncoming storm.”
Everyone raised their glasses higher, determined to celebrate until the wind became so ferocious they would have to retire for shelter indoors.
After the toasts, it was time for the first dance. As the song they’d chosen played loudly, Cindy and Mattheus went together to the dance floor in the center of the tent to do their first dance.
The wind blew again as Mattheus took Cindy in his arms. “We may have to go inside soon for shelter,” Cindy whispered.
“The only shelter I ever want,” Mattheus replied, oblivious, “is the shelter of your heart.”
Cindy closed her eyes and breathed deeply, praying that not only would this moment last, but that she could actually fulfill the wonderful promises she’d made to Mattheus just a few moments ago.
Soon the dance floor was filled with couples, joining them happily. The wind grew stronger, the music played more loudly, and the tent rocked with unabashed happiness. Cindy closed her eyes and enjoyed it. She had no idea when the storm was truly hitting, but for now, even with the wind growing stronger, she could cherish the wonder of this moment, all together safely, bathed in joy and song.
Book #1 in The Killing Game
By Julian Starr
Two women have gone missing in two weeks: the first, found dead, was slashed and dumped in a back alley in Boston. The second was discovered by a child in a Swan Boat Ride. As fear intensifies, Hunter, the head of the FBI Behavioral Unit, calls his star criminal profiler, Tracy Wrenn, to help on the case. Even though she had plans to become engaged that evening, Tracy quickly cancels her plans and rushes to Boston to help.
A beautiful, young professor of criminal psychology, Tracy has become renowned for her success at cracking cases no one else can. With her unusual insights and unique point of view, she is relentless at probing the inner minds of murderers. When a third woman goes missing, and when Tracy finds herself in danger, everything intensifies. In a shocking turn of events, Tracy finds out more not only about the killer, but about herself--and learns that nothing is what is seems.
Book #2 in The Killing Game is also now available!
Book #1 in The Killing Game
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Books by Jaden Skye
Writing as Julian Starr
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Book #16 in the Caribbean Murder series)